


YAC (Youth at Church)



If you are in year 6 to year 12, join us for lunch, after which we study and chat about God's word.

YAC is an opportunity for young people to have fellowship, build friendships and grow in faith.

Sunday fortnightly (during school terms) after the service at Metford Community Baptist Church in the foyer.

For more information contact:




Youth Group


Whilst the church is looking for a Children and Youth worker, Youth Group will be on hold. However, watch this space for any one-off youth events, plus updates on when our Youth Group will recommence.


We have a great program organised. Come along for bucket loads of fun, friendship, games and devotional times.


Youth Group is for youth year 6 and up. Sunday fortnightly 2pm to 4pm at Metford Community Baptist church.

For more information contact: